To be a great leader, you have to learn how to delegate. Delegation is often one of the most difficult tasks but can also be the most rewarding. Delegation saves you time and helps you grow your business, freeing you up for tasks only you can do.
Read on for 20 examples of tasks you can delegate to your virtual assistant today!
Gather data/research for an upcoming project or presentation
Run weekly reports (social media analytics, quickbooks, salesforce, etc.)
Respond to customer service inquiries
Communicate with vendors
Transcribe webinars, videos, podcasts, etc.
Manage your inbox
Book travel
Upload blog posts
Manage your calendar
Confirm meetings

Read trade publications and summarize main points
Engage with followers on social media
Purchase staff appreciation gifts
Moderate online forum
Respond to social media direct messages
Schedule social media posts
Organize documents and save to the cloud
Create images in Canva
Join relevant groups on LinkedIn
Write an email newsletter
The best way to identify tasks that are ready to be delegated is to make a list of the things you do every day for a week. If anything on that list is repetitive, predictable, or easily taught to someone else, consider delegating it to a virtual assistant.
Learn more about 360Tasker’s complete service offerings by visiting our Services & Pricing page. Questions about working with a virtual assistant? Check out our FAQ or contact us today.